How to use the Apple Pencil screenshot shortcut on iPad.iPhone: 5 tips to declutter and organize apps, emails, messages, photos, more macbook pro - Messages app on Mac syncing text messages but not iMessages - Ask Different Stack Exchange Network Stack Exchange network consists of 179 Q&A communities including Stack Overflow, the largest, most trusted online community for developers to learn, share their knowledge, and build their careers.Now in the bottom left corner of Messages, you’ll see a status bar if there are messages to sync.īack in the main window of the Messages app, you’ll see this in the bottom left corner if there are messages to sync:.

To the right of Enable Messages in iCloud, click Sync Now.Click Messages in the menu bar and choose Preferences….

How to force iMessage to sync with iCloud on Mac If your Mac isn’t syncing messages automatically, you can force it to manually. However, particularly on Macs, due to them being shut down or offline more than iPhones and iPads, there can be some issues with iMessages staying synced. When you have Messages in iCloud enabled on your Apple devices, your messages are kept up to date on each device, and you can also delete a message from one and it will be removed from all others. Are your messages not synced up between your Mac and iPhone or iPad? Read on for how to force iMessage to sync with iCloud on Mac.